We have a Christmas tradition at Baker Labels to make festive donations to local charities. 2020 may have been a different year for many other things but not this. This week we donated £12,000 in total to three charities, Kids Inspire, SNAP and Brentwood Foodbank.
£5000 to SNAP (Special Needs and Parents)
A charity that helps Essex families with children and young people who have any special need or disability by providing a variety of services such as activities for children of all ages, support and advice. The SNAP Centre has plenty of space including a training room where they deliver many courses and activities and a children’s activity hall with a soft play corner and a multi-sensory board and plenty of room for active children to play. Their aims are to inform, encourage and support parents, so that they can grow in strength and knowledge and become better equipped to give the best possible help to their children. The SNAP centre is a short walk away from Baker Labels’ factory in Brentwood and has become a favourite charity among Bakers’ staff.
This is fantastic news and incredibly generous and thoughtful of the entire Baker Labels Family. It certainly has been a unique year for everyone and adapting all our services and activities has certainly been a challenge, but we have been able to maintain our level of support excellence for families – Gov guidelines permitting – and that is only possible with the ‘backing’ of the local community. Knowing that local community support is there is always a real boost to the SNAP Team, but this year it obviously means even more so, and it is a huge reassurance that we can continue to support our amazing families

Mandy and Steve Baker with Michelle Andrews from SNAP
£5000 to Kids Inspire
Kids Inspire helps disadvantaged young people turn their lives around and gives them back their future. They support young people across Essex who are at an educational, social and/or economic disadvantage resulting from trauma or emerging mental health issues. For example they may have experienced sexual or domestic abuse, separation anxiety or significant loss.
Thank you for the great news! It has certainly made our day! As you know it has been a difficult year for us all, but we are surviving thanks to the generosity of our supporters and Corporates. Most of the funding we have received has been restricted which limits what who we can support. Thank you so much for this donation as this helps us with the running of our head office and our clinical admin team allowing us to continue to support vulnerable young people in Essex, empowering them to build on their emotional resilience for the future.

Mandy and Steve Baker with Rachael Basset and Paula Ashfield from Kids inspire
£2000 to the Brentwood Foodbank.
Brentwood Foodbank was established in 2011 as a partnership between Breakthru Church and Dodd Road Community Church. Brentwood Foodbank works with a number of frontline care agencies to provide food parcels to the most vulnerable members of our community.
You guys are amazing. I want to say a huge “THANK YOU” again for your amazing gift of £2000 to Brentwood Foodbank. We have been blessed by your generous gifts of food in the past and we do appreciate all that you do for those who are struggling in Brentwood. As we look at the economic situation, we find many firms sadly unable to retain their workers, and such many find themselves in great difficulty. Not only as Christmas approaches but we will see a great need in the early months of next year, in supporting those who have lost jobs

Mandy and Steve Baker with Julie Bowler from the Brentwood Foodbank
In total Baker Labels has been able to donate over £56,000 to charities in 2020, more than double on previous years. As an essential business and part of the supply chain, we have been fortunate to remain open and in production throughout the year so have ensured that charities have benefited.
Baker Labels contributed what we could to help in various ways during the year, particularly during the pandemic. We produced free social distancing floor stickers for local businesses; purchased and donated thousands of face masks and face shields for local organisations such as hospices, hospitals and care homes. We also produced and donated around 3 million labels to Salute the NHS, a campaign supporting the NHS frontline during the covid-19 crisis by serving 1 million meal packs to critical medical teams. The labels were required for a range of products from Easter eggs and cake wrappers to food and care packs.

All are great causes, and we are very proud of the part we played in supporting these charities and other good causes this year.